Living our best Quarantine Life
How are you surviving?
Rambo could care less, he's just happy everyone is home with him.
What were your favorite things to do while you had covid?
Not sure what to do, here are some ideas.
Purge a closet
Clean out your kitchen cupboard or that catch-all drawer
Netflix and Chill (unless you are like me and can't sit still)
Card or Board games
Catch up on a favorite book
Catch up on homework (I'm writing 3 papers)
Just relax!!!
I baked a cake for fun and no one wants to eat it. lol (hands up) At the moment, only my husband and I have covid so the kids are like, "Nah, we're good". It's so good, though. Strawberry cake with pretty sprinkles.
See, isn't it cute? I am no cake decorator, obviously.
I watched movies. It was Christmas and was depressing so I watched funny movies! Take care!