Let's Catch up!
It's been a while, and boy, oh boy, have things changed over here.
Career Change
The first change was a career change. I went from working clinically to working remotely in the information technology department. What a culture shock that was for me! I have quickly learned so many new skills over the past 17 months. Work-life balance became a priority while my mom struggled to beat cancer. I am a strong believer in things happening for a reason or when they are needed. It was a true blessing for me during this time.
As if learning a new career wasn't enough, I started a Masters in Health Administration program a few months into the transition. I worked during the day and prioritized my studies in the evenings. I graduated this month.
Remember my vision board?
My dream of owning a pool became a reality. Boy, am I glad that construction is done. I am super happy with the end product, and I soak up every ray of sunshine I can.
New Adventure
As many of you know, I am a fitness instructor and I have been instructing bungee for five years. I have had the privilege of rebranding our bungee studio and hosting a grand opening.
If your goals are not big enough to scare the crap out of you, they are too small. - Mamie